Aligned Inside Membership
Monthly guidance to help you thrive by embracing your true self

Join us for the next Monthly Workshop on Wednesday 9/6—click here to learn more!

Are you ready to get to the root of your inner obstacles and create powerful, lasting shifts?

Do you want to be surrounded by likeminded souls who inspire and encourage you to be true to who you are?

Are you drawn to being more consistent in tending to your emotional and spiritual well-being?

Do you want to feel empowered to take risks, listen to your gut, release old patterns, and claim your authenticity?

Are you ready to trust more deeply that you’re worthy and whole, exactly as you are?


I hear you, and you’re in the right place.

You’ve found your way here because somewhere deep down, you know that you’re ready to step more fully into your authenticity—and you know that this is the key to calling in everything your heart wants.

You know that you’re worthy of a life that truly belongs to you, and that more meaning and joy is available to you.

I’m so glad you’re here, and that you’re listening to your instincts.

You are designed to flourish by aligning with the truth of who you are, and releasing the rest.

Living in alignment with your authenticity means having the courage to surface the subconscious beliefs, conditioning, and ways of being that don’t ring true to who you are, and intentionally releasing them.

The Aligned Inside Membership is designed to support and empower you in this beautiful, messy process.

When you join the membership, you’ll get access to three powerful forms of support: live teachings every month, an expansive library of pre-recorded content, and the camaraderie of an incredible community of kind, thoughtful, openhearted people—

People who want to welcome you as you are, and grow alongside you.

People who want to embody their truth, be courageous, and connect with their humanity.

People who are ready to step into their power and alignment.

People like you.

As a member, here’s what you’ll get access to:


The first Wednesday of every month, we’ll come together for a 90-minute live workshop on Zoom. I’ll share guided visualizations, paradigm-shifting concepts, and simple yet powerful tools you can put into practice in your life right away. You’ll also have opportunities to connect deeply with fellow members. You’ll get access to workshop replays and handouts for 6 months. Scroll down for full list of workshop topics and dates.


The real magic of this membership is the container we create as a community! The community chat forum is a space for members to ask me questions, share their challenges and triumphs, and exchange helpful resources, inspiration, and encouragement. There’s nothing like being part of a community you can be honest, real, and vulnerable with.


When you join, you’ll get instant access to my hand-picked collection of 30 videos to help you cultivate more authenticity, empowerment, and well-being. Each video is a ~20-minute talk with a grounding meditation at the beginning, followed by easy-to-digest concepts, stories, and tools. With dozens of topics and 8+ hours of content, this library is a wellspring of heartfelt guidance you’ll want to return to again and again.


This membership will support you to:

  • Feel less alone on your path of self-discovery and personal development

  • Make your well-being a consistent priority by touching in with meaningful content the first week of every month

  • Reduce overwhelm by providing a grounding monthly rhythm to help you take on one brave baby-step at a time

  • Reflect, grow, and be courageous as you embody more authenticity in your life, work, and relationships

  • Normalize your own humanness when you lose your center, become self-critical, feel unworthy, play out old patterns, etc.

  • Embrace imperfection and let go of the impossible expectations you’ve internalized that block you from being who you are

  • Trust your inner wisdom and align your energy instead of grasping for solutions on a ‘self-improvement treadmill’

  • Feel emotionally nourished by the depth, intimacy, realness, and genuine connection we create together in this container

Join and get access to an exclusive 90-minute workshop every month!

Workshops are held the first Wednesday of every month from 5:00-6:30PM Pacific on Zoom (with the exception of our inaugural membership workshop, which will be help June 14, 2023 from 5:00-6:30PM Pacific).

You can participate live or catch the replay at your leisure. As a member, you’ll get access to replays of all workshops from the previous 6 months, along with downloadable pdf’s of all workshop materials. Check out the membership workshop topics:

I’ve Got Me: Growing Sturdy Self-Compassion
June 2023

Worthiness From Within: Remembering Your Wholeness
July 2023

The Line Between Us: Cultivating Emotional Autonomy
August 2023

Brave Boundaries And The Beauty Of “No”
September 2023

Kind On The Inside: Becoming Your Own Safety Net
October 2023

Strong Bonds: Embracing Rupture And Repair
November 2023

Freedom To Feel: A Portal To Resilience
December 2023

Honoring Your Inner Knowing
January 2024

Acceptable As You Are: The Art Of Self-Validation
February 2024  

Courageous Authenticity And Rocking The Boat
March 2024

Soul Pruning: Releasing What No Longer Serves
April 2024

Self-Trust And Embodying The Truth Of Who You Are
May 2024


I’m Erin—your coach, facilitator, and fellow alignment-seeker.

As someone who internalized a lot of false stories about myself growing up, I know firsthand how painful it is when our conditioned beliefs and patterns are running our thoughts, relationships, and lives.

After a devastating breakup and dark night of the soul in my mid-20’s, I began the journey of surfacing the subconscious wiring that had been blocking me from my own authenticity. I began to discover who I really was: the me underneath all the proving, people-pleasing, and coping. This process completely changed how I experienced life, and I found it so meaningful that I made it my career! I’ve been coaching people on this path since 2015.

It’s breathtaking how beautiful life can be when we live from self-love, worthiness, courage, truth, and energetic alignment. It’s my joy and my calling to illuminate the stepping stones that can lead us there.

You’re here to be who you truly are. We all are. Let’s do this.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where is the membership hosted?
A: Aligned Inside is hosted on Mighty Networks, a user-friendly community platform accessible via web browser or smart phone app.

Q: How does the monthly subscription payment work?
A: You’ll be billed monthly, on the same day of the month you originally signed up.

Q: Will the price go up in the future?
A: Whatever rate you signed up with is the rate you’ll be locked in at, as long as you maintain your membership! If you cancel and re-join, you’ll be charged the new rate.

Q: Can I pause my membership?
A: No, however you are free to cancel your membership and re-join at any time.

Q: Do you offer refunds?
A: You may cancel your membership at any time, but refunds are not available.