Do you tend to feel destabilized by other people’s difficult emotions, and personally responsible for resolving them?
Do you ever watch your mood plummet in the presence of someone else’s stress, anxiety, or negativity, and have trouble not taking it on yourself?
Do you sometimes struggle to draw the line between caring about someone and feeling you have to “rescue” them, “fix” them, or somehow manage their experience and make it okay for them?
Leaning on each other is natural, and being responsive to each other’s feelings is important and healthy. But sometimes our responsiveness and caring can tip toward care-taking, people-pleasing, and ultimately emotional codependency.
Codependency—perceiving other people’s experiences as our responsibility and letting them determine our feelings, outlook, purpose, identity, or worth—is a very common habit.
But that doesn’t mean it’s a healthy one.
While our codependency often comes from a place of seeking connection and trying to demonstrate care, unfortunately it rarely brings us genuine wellbeing and almost never truly supports or empowers those around us.
In fact, counter to what we might feel, it often does a lot more harm than good for everyone involved.
Codependency is not an illness or a personality flaw, it’s a set of unconscious coping skills we can compassionately unlearn.
Having codependent patterns is frustrating, there’s no doubt. But it’s not your fault, it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you, and it’s certainly not a life sentence.
Overcoming codependency is possible, and this workshop is a beautiful first step to understanding what that journey looks like and where to begin.
Come join us to explore the inner workings of codependency, and how to start unlearning it!
In this workshop we’ll be covering:
What codependency is, and how & why we develop this coping pattern
How to identify signs of codependency in yourself
The subconscious beliefs that often drive our codependency and perpetuate our codependent patterns
Erin’s #1 favorite coaching question to help you interrupt a codependent pattern in realtime
Concepts to support you in unlearning codependency, developing emotional autonomy, and staying true to who you are