Mantra Deck
52 healing messages to help you find self-love and empowerment
This uplifting Mantra Card Deck offers supportive guidance to help you cultivate self-compassion, self-worth, grounded boundaries and courageous authenticity

Original artwork by Ramalaxmi Swarna | Instagram: @swarna.creates
About the Mantra Deck
Bring beauty and meaning to any moment or gathering! Use the Mantra Card Deck yourself as a self-care ritual, or gift it to someone special in your life who would appreciate having it.
Each card contains a sacred healing phrase that will help you feel supported, embody self-acceptance, and experience greater well-being.
The mantras are brought to life with exquisite unique art designs, intentionally created to enhance the message on each card.
The cards measure 3.5” x 5” with rounded edges, made to fit comfortably in the palm of your hand.
The deck includes a Feelings & Needs card—a resource to help you tune in with yourself emotionally and understand your experiences more fully (pictured below).
Designed for Emotional Healing
The mantras are drawn from Erin’s one-of-a-kind healing and empowerment programs focusing on boundaries, codependency, shame, and worthiness. If you look carefully, you might notice that there are four artistic styles within the deck. These styles indicate which corresponding area of healing each mantra card is intended for:
Spread the love
If you love this deck, your people will too!
Share the Mantra Card Deck with your friends, relatives, loved ones, co-workers, clients, community, spiritual group, or anyone you think would enjoy it.
They make excellent gifts and beautiful conversation-starters.
What People Are Saying
“I find reading the mantra cards very comforting. I feel a calmness come over me, and clarity about who I really am and who I want to be in the world. I can physically feel them touching my heart.”
“I love using these mantra cards! Especially when I’m feeling distraught, imbalanced or disconnected from myself. I find the practice of drawing a card, reading the mantra and letting the words wash over me very calming and centering.”
“These cards are my go-to when I’m navigating challenges or emotional territory. There is truth in every single mantra! These cards remind me to breathe and make space to honor my own self, which in turn supports me in honoring others.”
“Erin’s healing mantras deeply resonate with ongoing and daily challenges I face. Having these as a resource to guide me back to balance has been so incredibly helpful!”