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Free Virtual Workshop: Boundaries Without Backlash

It’s no secret that healthy boundaries are a keystone of our mental health and well-being. So why on earth aren’t we setting them as often and consistently as we need?

For most of us, the answer is surprisingly simple:

We’re not sure how to identify the boundaries we need and we’re afraid of the consequences of setting them.

For example, we think to ourselves…

“How do even I know what my boundary is in this situation?”
“How can I tell the difference between what’s my material and what’s a valid boundary?”
“What if I know the boundary I think I need, but I don’t feel worthy of setting it?”
“What if this person judges or rejects me for setting my boundary?”
“What if I communicate my boundary clearly but it’s still not honored?”

These questions and anxieties are so understandable.

Most of us were never taught how to skillfully identify and communicate our boundaries growing up, nor did we have an environment in which we felt safe and supported to advocate for them.

As a result, we tend to have trouble sensing the boundaries we need, feeling worthy of them, and trusting that asking for them won’t disconnect us or do painful damage.

For many of us this ends up playing out as a self-fulfilling fear cycle:

  1. We’re afraid to set the boundary we need because we anticipate a negative reaction

  2. We set the boundary from a fearful and defensive energy, bracing for the worst—which automatically triggers reactivity in the other person, producing the exact negative outcome we were afraid of to begin with

  3. Our fear of boundary-setting is reinforced, and the fear cycle continues

There is a way out of this cycle.

When it comes to boundary-setting, discomfort is unavoidable—but disconnection and damage aren’t.

We can’t control how other people react to our boundaries (that’s not up to us), but we can change how we embody our boundaries… and this in turn has a HUGE influence on how people are likely to receive them.

With the right mindset and tools at our disposal, we can learn to set boundaries that are more likely to bring the healthy outcomes we’re seeking, without all the backlash and fallout.

We can learn to set boundaries from a place of empowerment and openness:

  • feeling emotionally grounded, clear and self-honest

  • trusting in our intrinsic worthiness

  • courageously giving others a genuine opportunity to understand and honor our limits

  • holding energetic boundaries that allow us to be resilient in how others respond to us

Join us for a 1-hour FREE virtual workshop to explore how to set boundaries in a less fearful, more empowering way!

In this workshop we’ll be covering:

  • What boundaries are and why they are so important

  • The difference between fear-based boundaries and grounded boundaries

  • How to identify when you need a boundary and take steps toward setting it

  • Some common boundary-setting mistakes to avoid

  • Concepts to support you in recognizing, setting and maintaining grounded boundaries in your life

December 11

Healthy Boundaries: A Pre-Holidays Workshop

March 26

Centered & Self-Honoring: A Codependency Healing Workshop