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Free Overcoming Codependency Workshop

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Do you sometimes feel panicked and personally responsible when someone expresses difficult feelings to you?

Do you ever watch your mood completely tank in the presence of someone else’s anxiety or negativity? Or maybe struggle to draw the line between caring about someone and feeling you have to “save” “rescue” or “fix” them? Do you feel like you lose touch with your own voice when somebody else expresses a strong opinion? 

Leaning on each other is natural, and being responsive to each other’s feelings is important and healthy. But sometimes our responsiveness and caring can tip toward care-taking, people-pleasing, and ultimately: codependency.

Codependency—looking to someone or something outside of us to define our mood, outlook, identity, or worth—is a very common habit.

But that doesn’t mean it’s a healthy one.

While our codependency often comes from a place of seeking connection and trying to demonstrate care, unfortunately it rarely brings us genuine wellbeing and almost never truly supports or empowers those around us.

In fact, counter to what we might feel, it often does a lot more harm than good!

Codependency is not an illness or a personality flaw, it’s a set of unconscious coping skills we can compassionately unlearn and outgrow.

Having codependent patterns is frustrating, there’s no doubt.

But it’s not your fault. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. And it’s certainly not a life sentence!

Overcoming codependency is absolutely possible.

Join us for this free 1-hour workshop where we’ll be covering:

  • What codependency is

  • How to identify it in yourself

  • Some common beliefs that often drive our codependency

  • Concepts to support you in developing emotional autonomy, and staying true to who you are

Register Now!

Tuesday June 15, 5:00-6:00PM Pacific Time
Register below to join—I’ll send you the replay afterward, too!


Before you go…

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