Mother-daughter relationships are complex. The dynamics we develop early on can linger throughout our lives. As mothers and as daughters, it can be tough to break free from outdated patterns and be seen for who we truly are.
Are you ready for exploration, inspiration, healing, and growth?
Join us for a 3-day workshop experience designed to increase your self-awareness and strengthen your mother-daughter relationship.
Set yourself free to engage from a place of authenticity
Anchor your mother/daughter feelings in self-awareness
Explore healthy boundaries between power and love
According to cross-cultural wisdom gathered by Angeles Arrien, there are two primary periods of life. During the first half of life, we explore our gifts and talents. At age 35, we cross a threshold into the “second half of life.” This is when we have the opportunity to transform and reclaim our authentic self as we prepare for and step into our wisdom years.
Intentional Mother-Daughter Relationships is specifically designed for women nearing or in the second half of life.
Together, we will weave a foundation for personal and relational transformation:
Meet the Enneagram — a tool for self-understanding
Explore means of Compassionate Communication
Draw from indigenous wisdom, healing, medicine, and ceremony
Explore new ways of relating to the second half of life
We are all daughters, some of us mothers, some of us in mother-daughter relationships.
Join us for this powerful 3-day workshop experience!
Friday May 3, 7-9:30pm
Saturday May 4, 9am-6pm
Sunday May 5, 9am-4pm
PROGRAM FEE: $450 per person // $800 for a pair
REGISTER BEFORE MARCH 16, 2019 to receive the EARLY BIRD discount:
$400 per person // $700 for a pair