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The Blame-Free State 2-Day Intensive With Francois Beausoleil (Seattle)

"Blame can become a terrible habit–one that’s extremely costly both personally, socially and culturally.” -Miki Kashtan, Co-Founder of Bay Area Nonviolent Communication (

As Miki says in the above quote, when you play the "blame game" there are only losers. Nobody wins, not really. But when you learn to dissolve blame, you change the game. Everyone wins. 

Blame is responsible for most of the damaging conflicts in our world today. It kills collaboration and drains our energy. Yet it's such a normalized behavior that it can be difficult to notice ourselves doing it, let alone choose to do something different. 

Francois Beausoleil (author of "Blame Free State") has devoted the past several years of his life to acting on his most passionate mission: making blame obsolete. He has distilled his years of research and coaching on this topic into a 2-day program, packed with wisdom and powerful tools to dissolve blame, reduce conflict, and liberate ourselves in new ways.

Francois will be here on January 26-28, 2017 offering his second program in Seattle! He'll be covering the processes he has built to explore what you personally can do to reduce the presence of blame in your life – whether it’s blaming others, yourself or the situation.

Wherever you are on your life-path, this course can gift you with new tools for keeping your heart open and free of blame.

This 2-day Intensive is designed to offer:

- A clear understanding of the cost of blame on our health and overall well-being.

- A comprehensive map of how to transform blame towards others, self or situations.

- A roadmap to help you decode the blame that is coming towards and respond from a place a groundedness and choice.

- A way to capture the message that is there for us to get when we blame.

- A window in detecting the behaviors we use to avoid being blamed, as well as a concrete approach to bring more choice and freedom to these situations.

Thursday Jan 26th 7-9:30pm (Intro to Nonviolent Communcation)
Friday Jan 27th 10am-6pm (Blame-Free State Program Day 1)
Saturday Jan 28th 10am-4pm (Blame-Free State Program Day 2)

**Thursday evening 1/26 is an NVC Intro, open to the public, independent of the Intensive. For folks who attend this event only, the requested contribution is $25. For those who register for the full 2-day program, the cost of attending is included.**


Learn more, register and share this event here!

January 19

Adapting to Change Workshop

February 16

The Art of Boundary-Setting Workshop