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Already Worthy Program

Let go of proving and embody unconditional self-worth

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Have you spent most of your life chasing a moving target of ‘enough’?

Do you tend to feel that your worthiness is always right on the horizon, just out of reach?

Maybe you catch yourself thinking things like…

“If I could just get that promotion, then I’d feel whole.”

“If I could just find the right relationship, then I’d be happy.”

“If I could just lose that weight, then I’d love myself.”

“If I could just check all those to-do’s off my list, then I’d feel content.”

“If I could just get that new car/house/outfit/gadget, then I’d feel satisfied.”

“If I could just fix that flaw or break that habit, then I’d be lovable.”

“If I could just be a better person/parent/partner/friend, then I’d be worthy.”

We tell ourselves these stories of conditional worthiness all the time—that simply being as we are is not enough, and that changing something about ourselves or our lives will make us enough.

We believe that our worthiness is something to be earned. That in order to be enough, we must do more. Be better. Strive harder. Give more. Hustle. Push. Achieve. Prove.

This treadmill toward ‘enoughness’ can be quite addictive. There’s a sense of motivation and drive: a hopeful future we’re determined to reach. It’s shiny and compelling. 

But it’s also deeply exhausting and discouraging. 

No matter how hard we push, we never seem to reach that feeling of being enough.

Because it was never about that promotion or that relationship or losing that weight—not really. If it was about all those things, we would probably already be enjoying the feelings of satisfaction and worthiness we set out for!

Here’s the reality:

Looking for ‘enoughness’ outside of ourselves is often alluring, but it rarely leads to genuine satisfaction or lasting self-worth. 

In fact, it typically leads to chronic low-level feelings of unworthiness, and a whole lot of stress and anxiety.

The truth is, our worthiness is intrinsic and unconditional. It can’t be earned or lost; it simply is. We are all already enough.

So why do we torture ourselves like this? Why do we keep chasing this mirage of external worthiness?

Well, for starters…

Cultivating internal worthiness is rarely modeled or taught in our society.

Very few of us came up in cultural context or social environment that affirmed us exactly as we were, and helped us separate our abilities and achievements from our personal value.

Most of us were trained from a young age to measure our worth based our productivity, achievements, social status, and/or image. We all internalized messaging about what would make us successful, “worthy” adults, and very little of this revolved around having a compassionate, loving relationship with ourselves.

The paradigm of proving our ‘enoughness’ has become so mainstream that many of us never even attempt to counter it.

Yet so many of us are suffering as a result—overworking ourselves as we strive for unrealistic standards that ultimately leave us feeling empty as soon as we attain them.

Here’s the good news:

Seeking our worthiness externally is an old habit we can heal, and growing our worthiness internally is a new skill we can develop.

The Already Worthy Program is a powerful journey designed to help you do exactly that.

The Already Worthy Program Will Help You…

  • Stop chasing the moving target of ‘enoughness’ outside of yourself and start feeling enough exactly as you are

  • Let go of compulsive striving and the constant pursuit of self-improvement

  • Embody a more holistic identity and start to discover who you are beyond just what you do/give/achieve

  • Feel a sense of contentment and appreciation for your life (without losing healthy discipline and motivation to grow)

  • Stop pushing yourself so hard and start listening to your genuine limits, capacity, and desires

  • Create more spaciousness and time for what matters most to you

  • Become kinder and more forgiving toward yourself; more grace to make mistakes, experiment, and be human

  • Feel internally connected to your worthiness and personal sense of mattering

  • Cultivate resilient self-worth—not so linked to productivity, doing, giving, achieving, etc.

  • Stop feeling so much pressure to be exceptional and go above-and-beyond all the time

  • Relax into who you are and feel at ease in your own skin

  • Tap into the abundance that comes with living from a paradigm of unconditional worthiness

This program is designed for personal transformation in a supportive and inclusive virtual community setting.

The Already Worthy Program consists of 11 sessions across 2 months: 8 learning sessions (2 hours each) and 3 group coaching calls (90 minutes each).

Sessions take place live on Zoom—participants get lifetime access to replays of all sessions.

Learning Sessions follow a curriculum (see below): we’ll cover the fundamentals of unconditional worthiness together via digital educational materials, partner activities, coaching demos and group discussion.

Group Coaching Calls are experiential and organic: they are a space for participants to bring personal worthiness-based challenges from their life, and witness and support one another’s growth. Erin offers intuitive coaching to help participants transform their conditioned patterns and apply the program tools effectively.

Attendance Policy
Attendance at every session is not mandatory, but joining sessions real-time is the best way to experience and co-create the transformational power of the program. Participants are kindly requested to commit to joining at least half of the sessions as a prerequisite to signing up for the program.

Already Worthy Program Curriculum

Learning Sessions

  • Session 1: Understanding Worthiness

  • Session 2: Cultural Narratives Of Unworthiness

  • Session 3: Embracing Unconditional Worthiness

  • Session 4: Aligning With Integrity

  • Session 5: Discovering Our Genuine Energy & Drivers

  • Session 6: Cultivating Intuition & Imperfectionism

  • Session 7: Transforming Comparison

  • Session 8: Grounding In Worthiness

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