Aligned Inside
A coaching project from May 1 - June 1

I am honored to gift 30 coaching hours in 30 days to 30 intuitive souls seeking more inner alignment

The inspiration behind my devotion for the next 30 days…

I have always had a strong inner compass—a clear sense of what feels aligned for me.

Looking back, I can see that my ability to discern between what felt somehow ‘off’ and what felt ‘just right’ for me (and to choose the latter) has guided some of my most important and positive life decisions.

Decisions like…

  • Taking a hiatus from my undergraduate studies at age 19 to backpack solo through Latin America for 8 months

  • Moving to Germany and then Bolivia in my early/mid-20’s to build a life and a youth hostel with someone I deeply loved

  • Leaving Bolivia when the circumstances were no longer healthy for me, and returning home to Seattle

  • Giving up stable employment to follow my heart and become a full-time entrepreneur

  • Choosing to stay and work through a heartbreaking impasse with the man who would later become my husband

Many of us can point to these fork-in-the-road type of examples in our lives and celebrate ourselves for aligning with our authenticity.

The thing most of us forget to acknowledge, however, is the power of the everyday baby steps. Those teeny tiny, imperceptible-to-anyone-but-us kind of moments where we tune in with our inner knowing and take one brave little step closer to the truth.

Here’s what I’ve come to believe:

It’s not just the big dramatic choices that truly make our lives fulfilling—in fact, it usually has a lot more to do with all the courageous micro-movements toward truth we make in between.

Those moments when…

  • We notice an old pattern playing out and find the courage to interrupt it

  • We say no to a request or invitation because we sense it isn’t right for us

  • We choose to take a deep breath and feel our feelings instead of armoring up

  • We pivot from self-judgment to self-acceptance and compassion

  • We pause our busy day to go sit at the base of a tree, and receive a message we desperately needed to hear

  • We choose to trust our somatic, intuitive clarity more than the story our mind is telling us

  • We speak our needs instead of holding them inside

These small steps may feel insignificant in the moment, but when it comes to shifting our deeply held patterns and freeing ourselves to embody more of who we truly are in our lives, the small intuitive adjustments are everything.

I believe all of us have an incredibly wise inner compass, and that learning to live in alignment with it (in big and small ways) is the key to crafting our most meaningful, authentic, and joyful lives.

One of my gifts is my ability to sense this compass in myself and others.

I’ve always had an uncanny ability to perceive the truth in people, and to illuminate a streamlined path for them to move through whatever stands in the way of them aligning with their truth.

Here are some of the things that often seem to stand in the way for my clients:

  • A belief that they should somehow be different—that who they are is too much, or not enough

  • The unconscious tendency to seek safety in the familiar, even if the familiar isn’t serving them

  • False narratives they have internalized about themselves that disconnect them from who they truly are

  • Being trained to lean heavily on willpower, control, and perfectionism to get what they want in life

  • Never having learned the skills to truly metabolize, embrace, and integrate their uncomfortable feelings

  • A lack of truth-sourcing practices that would help them regularly hear the whispers of their own intuitive guidance

  • A deep underlying fear of failure, abandonment or rejection; engaging in coping patterns that end up reinforcing these fears

  • Not believing they are worthy of the abundance and well-being they desire

  • The idea that if they align with authenticity and up-level their joy, it will cause issues in other areas of their life

  • Insecurity as a result of being unsuccessful in their past attempts to create a more authentic, aligned way of life

I’ve seen through my own experiences (and through getting a peek into the inner world of countless other humans as a coach) that staying responsive and loyal to our inner knowing can be a very messy, non-linear, and emotional process at times.

Sometimes the fog is thick, and sensing our truth feels immensely challenging. Other times, our inner knowing has been crystal clear for years but we haven’t found the right support or resources to muster the courage to act on it.

In some cases, our fears and trauma stories can masquerade as truth and take us even further out of alignment. And in many cases, the simple act of creating space to connect with ourselves vulnerably out loud with the support of a caring human is all it takes to move back into alignment.

The continual practice of finding inner alignment isn’t always second-nature or straightforward, and in my experience it’s nearly impossible to do all on our own.

Many times it’s the space held by a nonjudgmental, emotionally attuned human being that guides us home to ourselves again.

If it feels right, I would love to be that human for you.


This projeCt is for you if…

  • You identify as an intuitive, highly sensitive, empathic, spiritual, and/or heart-led person

  • You feel a call to align more deeply with your inner knowing and manifest your own thriving, and you welcome the vulnerable emotional labor that will likely be needed to release old patterns and and lean into new ways of being

  • You are invested in building a life that reflects your deepest values and contributes to our collective humanity

This project is NOT for you if…

  • You dislike conversations in the touchy-feely realm

  • You’re hoping I’ll give you quick fixes, answers, and solutions to your dilemmas

  • You don’t believe in energy/healing work


Here’s what I hope our 1 hour together will do for you:

  1. Give you an opportunity to acknowledge out loud the ways you desire to align more closely with your inner knowing, and to be heard and understood for the vision of thriving you wish to bring forth

  2. Help you explore what inner alignment would look and feel like for you in an experiential way—relying less on your solution-seeking mind, and more on your wisdom-sourcing body and heart (where all the magic happens)

  3. Illuminate some of the core obstacles that stand in the way of you harnessing your desired energy and experiences, and begin moving through at least one of these obstacles together in session

  4. Offer you a new, deeply compassionate perspective on your experience so you can move forward with less self-doubt and more ease

  5. Provide a sense of clarity that helps you begin to discern the most aligned next steps for yourself

Transparency Note: The Aligned Inside Coaching Project is one of the ways I fill my private coaching practice. Each session in this project is a 100% complimentary, pressure-free environment for you to receive my most heartfelt coaching. At the end of our session I will ask if you have interest in learning more about a 1:1 coaching journey together, and if you say yes, I will share information about that process with you and we’ll discuss options and next steps.